More on what Walter Watson means by Architectonics

Posted by Edward Willatt on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Under: Architectonics

Above is Water Watson's Archic Matrix.  You can view a larger version by clicking here.  In my previous post I sought to outline his conception of architectonics and give a critical assessment of its claims to include all philosophies in a relation of 'reciprocal priority'.  Although I criticised his approach on a number of points the table above does show the sheer insight and clarity of his understanding of the basic possibilities of thought.  He is able to draw unheard of connections between thinkers and boil down complex systems into essential elements.  As a piece of exegesis and schematisation Watson's The Architectonic of Meaning is superb.

In : Architectonics 


More on what Walter Watson means by Architectonics

Posted by Edward Willatt on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Under: Architectonics

Above is Water Watson's Archic Matrix.  You can view a larger version by clicking here.  In my previous post I sought to outline his conception of architectonics and give a critical assessment of its claims to include all philosophies in a relation of 'reciprocal priority'.  Although I criticised his approach on a number of points the table above does show the sheer insight and clarity of his understanding of the basic possibilities of thought.  He is able to draw unheard of connections between thinkers and boil down complex systems into essential elements.  As a piece of exegesis and schematisation Watson's The Architectonic of Meaning is superb.

In : Architectonics 




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